Ain't that something? I remember reading about the Pi a while back and scoffing to myself... now they're out and kicking ass! Wonder how long it will be before you can actually buy them (they sold out quick).
It's got, what, a USB i/o and what else? Didn't seem like there were many options for actually plugging stuff into it - it's basically the guts for a handheld phone or something, but the applications for something like that... guess I wasted my life on rs-232... You can run an army of lil killer robots with these things! Eager to hear your take on the Pi, once it's in your possession.
it's magical just like the old Amiga 1200. Compact, small and medium-end. With some graphic and kernel hacks you can turn this piece into some intense mini heavy duty work just like The Pirate Bay did for their drones and Quake 3/Half-Life 2 gaming.
I was thinking to do some stress rendering graphic on it. Demoscene stuff. Could do a decent combined Wild compo. It's a huge I/O for mini work. Cheap too! I'm getting more than 2 if I can get them to work on the scene at NVScene and Main.
Building robots is another great thing. No more slow processing mini CPU on the Vex motors.
Ain't that something? I remember reading about the Pi a while back and scoffing to myself... now they're out and kicking ass! Wonder how long it will be before you can actually buy them (they sold out quick).
It's got, what, a USB i/o and what else? Didn't seem like there were many options for actually plugging stuff into it - it's basically the guts for a handheld phone or something, but the applications for something like that... guess I wasted my life on rs-232... You can run an army of lil killer robots with these things! Eager to hear your take on the Pi, once it's in your possession.
it's magical just like the old Amiga 1200. Compact, small and medium-end. With some graphic and kernel hacks you can turn this piece into some intense mini heavy duty work just like The Pirate Bay did for their drones and Quake 3/Half-Life 2 gaming.
I was thinking to do some stress rendering graphic on it. Demoscene stuff. Could do a decent combined Wild compo. It's a huge I/O for mini work. Cheap too! I'm getting more than 2 if I can get them to work on the scene at NVScene and Main.
Building robots is another great thing. No more slow processing mini CPU on the Vex motors.