oh, you don't live in TO :( lol
Just a super geeky guy who composes music in spare times.
Age 42, Male
Software Developer
Joined on 2/9/12
oh, you don't live in TO :( lol
Soon, bro, soon. :D
Good decision. IBM is a nice place to start with your unstable riff raff work. Moving around isn't my type. Stick me in a place and I can work on things much better.
Welcome to Toronto, home of unstable and miserable programmers such as you! [COUGH]
:3 I like the place. The more miserable the more merrier! XD
I really hope this makes you happy! I know my buddy in Washington state's pretty content with freelance work from OnForce and (can't remember the other placement place....)
With your security expertise, you should be in demand and better paid than most pillar-to-post guys in the field... IBM used to be a good company to work for, and still are, if you're genuinely useful.
I hope your future is as rosy as that picture! (Don't jinx it SF!)
You are the one who leads me to the right path. I should thank you a ton. If not, by now I would have renewed my contracts and duck in same server station with freezing weather.
This job is gonna be awesome. I return to old place this Tuesday, pack up and move to Toronto by Wednesday night. I already rented a bachelor through website. Go to a briefing/interview at Thursday morning at IBM facility office. Instant works!
The reason I choose IBM because the environment and requirements fit the type of guy like me. I got enough experience years to be called as senior. Wide and strong knowledge in IT.
I thought of companies like Sony Ericsson, Microsoft, Google, Symantec, McAfee, Sun Microsystem, RIM to even heavy industrial companies such as AVERA, BP, etc... I spin my head and point my mind at IBM. It's just too flawless for someone like me. Paywages are great too.
Thank you so much again my friend, VicariousE. I own you my path, sir. :)
Do you know the TTC? :DDDD
Toronto Transit Commission? Yes sir. I gotta take it.
You've got some good tunes man. 'Grats on the job, Keep doin' what you're doin' brosky!
thanks dude. :)
Hey I live in Toronto too!!!!11!!one!
We can meet soon, if you want. :)