Oh so you live at Markham! That's like 2 km north of where I live! Not telling you exact address, of course; never will. Must remain anonymous.
Just a super geeky guy who composes music in spare times.
Age 42, Male
Software Developer
Joined on 2/9/12
Oh so you live at Markham! That's like 2 km north of where I live! Not telling you exact address, of course; never will. Must remain anonymous.
Haha. I won't stalk you... I might do some war-walking (risky eh?) '2 km south where you live' this summer. I'm planning to make a powerful antenna that can capture wireless hotspots up to 1 km!
Markham is still in the what they called: GTA, greater Toronto area. I'm practically still in your place.
:D haha
Today I went to High Park and stepped on some bird crap. Was disgusting.
Is that a largest park in the whole GTA? I heard it has a dimension of 20 apartment blocks.
Oops poor you. Well I got bird crap all over my bike last time >.>. Stupid seagulls.
You can take the TTC there.
Finch Stn. ---(SB)---> Bloor Stn.
Yonge Stn ---(WB)---> High Park Stn.
If you like to waste time and money, you can always do this:
97B Yonge ---(SB)---> Queen Street
501 Queen ---(WB)---> Colborne Lodge Drive
:P I got a Metro Pass for this month. Sure I can waste my time on this weekend to check out those places!
You can also TTC.
(take the car)
The bus? Yeah, it takes long time to travel. I use to the GO buses for now. (not belong to TTC right?)
Ha :l.. I don't speak computer :( attempted to learn on multiple occasions though
STR="I speak English!!!!!!"
echo $STR
section .text
global _start
mov edx,len
mov ecx,msg
mov ebx,1
mov eax,4
int 0x80
mov eax,1
int 0x80
section .data
msg db 'I speak English!',0xa
len equ $ - msg
I didn't read all the newspost and you may think of me as a lazy arse, that I am, but you sir, are awesome :S
No no, Ros! You are free to choose whether you want to read my lame stuff or not! Thank you for checking by here MrSaint!
I read your response a few days ago... thanks for setting an old turkey straight. Very illuminating...
np pal!
01001001 00100000 01110011 01110000 01100101 01100001 01101011 00100000 01100010 01101001 01101110 01100001 01110010 01111001
44:6f:20:79:6f:75:20:73:70:65:61:6b:20:68:65:7 8:3f
59 65 73 20 49 20 64 6f 21
Ha, you and your oldish ideology! C++ isn't all bad. Come on Skype or Mibbit tonight and we can say all we want, Wurfel.
I have enough of 'word wars' with you. C++ is still no match with C, duh!
Wurfel, your IP tracker work amazingly.
Merci...wait what did you use for?
0011010000110100001110100011011001100110001110 1000110010001100000011101000110111001110010011 1010001101100110011000111010001101110011010100 1110100011001000110000001110100011011100110011 0011101000110111001100000011101000110110001101 0100111010001101100011000100111010001101100110 0010001110100011001000110000001110100011011000 1110000011101000110110001101010011101000110111 0011100000111010001100100011000000111010001101 1000111001001110100011011001100101001110100011 0010001100000011101000110110001100100011101000 1101100011100100111010001101100110010100111010 0011011000110001001110100011011100110010001110 100011011100111001001110100011001101100110
>.> You smart boy... 2 layers! haha!
Destrayop is in AP physics in HS, as well as a strummer of guitars.
Sorry, busy with the farm :P Is that list in your user picture area new?
I've based success on a single project as well as one or two others on that list, just swap job titles around...
How's the new job? Erm, and another question....
Can I use a VPN, without being intercepted before one of the NSA listening points?
I'm in a heavy bandwidth AT&T area, and wondering if I can really be... unknown?
Long time no see. Sorry for not replying any messages instantly. I ran into some silly troubles on Newgrounds and busy working these days.
Destrayop is a playful kid. He is very funny and I like to chat with him.
The job is fun. I learn a ton of new thing from the young geniuses in there. And more C vs C++ vs .NET fights. I'm just too oldschool...>.<
I'll talk to you directly on VPN thing on your post.
I have a question:
<a href="http://zirocket-8.newgrounds.com/news/post/718433#comments">http://zirocket-8.newgrounds.com/news/post/718 433#comments</a>
Read my PM
Waffles, where the fuck did you go? I gotta fix up NG system!
:P Van...ished. And no, I didn't get vanned.
What's your opinion of Perl?
BTW, wasn't assembly once called machine code?
Should've taken that crap course in HS, but I thought I could get the books on C pretty cheap since they were working on C+ at the time....
Perl? An old camel that left walking alone on the desert? Hehe, Perl is better than PHP and Python is better than both of them. Perl's runtime is super quick since it designed for small processing things. I believe Perl is still in place although I see lesser people use it now. All you see is either PHP, Ruby or Python.
The reason why they stop using Perl because of its code calls (officially we call syntax length; but who care). In PHP you can import array straight after you called the array functions. In python? all you gotta do is... import something! Perl? Call array (use some_thing) first then after that you can import variable. A pl file contain more codes than PHP and double the amount of codes in a py file! That's how silly is Perl!
Assembly isn't machine code actually. It is a level higher than machine code (binary 1/0). All you gotta do is... to know English. Push, mov, loop, call, add, pop, lea, leave, ret (return). The hard part is logic. Remeber in any ASM, once you get/print/loop element... you gotta return it. Just like C codes. Secure coding lol.
C books and manual are extremely cheap around. Look fore bookstores that sell stuff that older than 90s.