Zero bombers are quite a royal pain in the ass.
Looks like you've been up to alot of stuff man-- Take it easy on the booze xD, I'd be more worried about your liver than your kidneys if I were you. Cirrhosis ain't as bad as kidney failure though.
Anyhow :l Wie gehts?
Joo like spamz? Maybe Herr Destrayop could oblige you, and in your own native tongue :3
Ha, ha - In Stephen King's Dreamcatcher, there was an abbreviation between the characters; SSDD, which meant, "same shit -different day". If you learned something new today, than it was a day well spent... that goes for jokes too.
A <a href=""></a> , huh? You gotta be sober long enough to drive it though :) I guess I've heard worse goals.
You drink or coffee or tea? Should start drinking more of it....don't lose your kidneys, bruh, dialysis is not a good place to be. 3 hours, 3 days a week. getting all your life's blood sucked into a machine, and leaving you thirsty and hungry and you can't do either one... do take care!
Me like Can of Spam! Destrayop can start to oblige me by submitting more music :P. Dreamcatcher actually is a really creepy book (all King's stories are creepy...) in an original way. Well, I get your joke.
I have strict 'schedule' when come to being a drunken SoB. Drink & drunk at night only. But sometime people find me with a few empty bottles of vodka at daylight.
I drink coffee and tea occasionally. I like Earl Gray tea. Any kind of coffee is fine with me.
See you soon :D