Gosh, 3 of our server hubs crashed yesterday. SCADA is a bad mix with Microsoft IIS. I saved the data and most of the logs by avoiding cold reboot.
One of the oil well's control station got malfunctioned and repetitively sending mass amounts of crash log to one of our server. It was a fucking chain reaction when IIS servers refused to counter overrode data. Human error when setting up the servers. Turned out to be a catastrophe.
And NOW, I have to sit here and write a bunch of fucking observational reports and analysis papers that probably will end up more than 2 dozens of page (I'm on pg. 14...) because the lead sysadmin is on his fucking break! Goddamn it, I saved the day and now I have to do these??
Hell, it isn't even my shift now. I didn't sleep yet for 1 and a half day. 5th cup of coffee so far. I'm fucking tired and decide to take a break to release some of my stress out.
So my stress releaser ends up to be 4Chan, NG forums and Slashdot...
Edit: Another day as a miserable system administrator...
Edit: I don't wanna die here. Page 29 now. I think I can't feel my fingers anymore. And I don't know why the fuck do I keep complaining this shit.
Was MS IIS ever a good mix with anything? Fuckin'.... no.
Well, would you rather be on the road freelancing?
Wurfel-Waffles (Updated )
Ah. Our company sponsored by Microsoft and IBM. Also I have only little voice in the company's IT circle even I want to protest so hard. SCADA is shit already. We got a major breach last year and attacker gained access to master control's privilege.
On the road freelancing? I would love to if I can find a stable IT career that involves moving around. I get high payments at where I work right now but of course I must return my tired hardworking for that too...