SUCCESS! I just successfully bind a module file and a module player together. The module itself is... huge, fucking 7.92 MB last time I checked. Because I use IT for high quality.
Player itself is 21 kb, yes I know it's huge. But any of you can write something that small, bite me.
Remember to read the README!!! de16c1faf4e94d4e04288c1f
With UPX compressed, 1.21 MB!!! 6bd8100b515c784b14effb62
PS. It's not a virus so don't blame me if your PC goes panic. It can even play on Windows 95 (tested).
PPS. I can't release the player, yet. There are bugs floats all over the place. I need to add some hot key too. For example: quit... lol!
Congratulations on your deed.
thank you sir. Once I finish to fix the bugs then I can make this totally public, with source codes of course.