I just spent my time cleaning up my work. Shit songs, WIPs, tracks sound like shit, broken songs (really?) & songs were written during drunktime. You will find more of my music on SoundCloud. The other reason is I'm tired of zero bombers.
Contributions to NG
Donated twice to NG ($25 x 2), lurk around to scout Audio people and look for bad eggs. I accidentally hit a good egg today.
My online life is floating by really slow and boring. Reddit, SlashDot, Stackoverflow, Dreamincode, Newgrounds, TheRegister, 4chan, HackThisSIte, HellBound Hackers... none of these has anything outstanding. I just recently pushed myself on a skiddies forum,, try to speak to rouge hackers but after a few days I turned bored, again.
I miss these guys, VicariousE and Destrayop. Two funny and interesting chaps that actually make me start to think perhaps my online life ain't so boring as I thought.
No one wants to spam me anymore? I'm bored, come on.
Offline life is actually more interesting. My colleagues stopped to treat me as a 'coffee & code checking servant' and now I'm officially in the job, after like 4 months in. I also get 2 alternative jobs, one on weekend to be a part time English/Math/Computer tutors for kids and one being a webmaster and web developer for a marketing website. Reason why do I work so hard? I want to get a house and a vehicle, Ford SVT Raptor. Volunteering at food-bank after workhours. I like to serve poor people my delicious home-made bakeries & dishes :)
This supposes to be a sub category of Offline life but I have so many things to rant on.
Falafel is probably the best Arabic dish, ever. Plain serve is great and so as serving with the sandwiches. The Jews make delicious dishes like gribenes warm my stomach. American hotdog is the best fast food ever. I love Vietnamese's Pho and Chinese fried rice. Japanese's Tempura & Korean Kimchi. Canadian maple syrup are the best.
And Solyanka, the favorite dish for that bring back deep memories for any East Berliners.
Alphabetical Alcohols
Akvavit, Arak, Beer, Brandewijn Cauim, Damassine, Everglo, Fruit Beer, Gin, Horilka, Icariine, Jagermeister, Kilju, Kirsch, Lager, Madeira, Mezcal, Midori, Neutral grain spirit, Ouzo, Pulque, Qi, Rakia, Rum, Sahti, Sake, Soju, Tequila, Unicum, Vinsanto, Vodka, Williamine, Wine, Whisky, Xaica, Xtabentun, Yukon, Zwetschgenwasser.
I am probably dying from kidney cancer right now. I don't know. I had/have been travel around the world to taste different cuisines and especially alcohols. Lately I even tried out killer drink such as Everclear heavy booze when I traveled to Alberta; it can kill you quickly if you are not a fond boozer.
Did anyone have their moment of silence?
Joo like spamz? Maybe Herr Destrayop could oblige you, and in your own native tongue :3
Ha, ha - In Stephen King's Dreamcatcher, there was an abbreviation between the characters; SSDD, which meant, "same shit -different day". If you learned something new today, than it was a day well spent... that goes for jokes too.
A <a href=""></a> , huh? You gotta be sober long enough to drive it though :) I guess I've heard worse goals.
You drink or coffee or tea? Should start drinking more of it....don't lose your kidneys, bruh, dialysis is not a good place to be. 3 hours, 3 days a week. getting all your life's blood sucked into a machine, and leaving you thirsty and hungry and you can't do either one... do take care!
Me like Can of Spam! Destrayop can start to oblige me by submitting more music :P. Dreamcatcher actually is a really creepy book (all King's stories are creepy...) in an original way. Well, I get your joke.
I have strict 'schedule' when come to being a drunken SoB. Drink & drunk at night only. But sometime people find me with a few empty bottles of vodka at daylight.
I drink coffee and tea occasionally. I like Earl Gray tea. Any kind of coffee is fine with me.
See you soon :D