I write this post for Audio Mods and anyone who wants to keep Newgrounds' reputation and playground clean of illegal matters.
Call me a snitch or anything you want. I don't have anything to do with you and of course, you can't touch me. Hunting and eliminate anything related to copyright are my instinct.
---- Tools ----
I use dorks with search engine. Instincts, knowledge and intuitions.
Dork is keywords and syntax for advanced search method. Exact reason why it exists? Has more or less to do with advertisement & data mining. Crawling in my skin, ya know >:(
Hacking is another reason...
---- Basic dork rules ----
dork:info keyword OR more dork:info
site:cia.gov inurl:/login.jsp OR inurl:/login.php AND filetype:log "admin"
site is to indicate the URL you want dork to target only. inurl is to indicate the only contents of indicated URL's target/sub-section. OR, AND or & and?! filetype is to indicate the type of file you want to find on the Net, here it is .log extension which I found only admin's logs.
How do these apply to hunting copyrighted stuff on NG?
Let's say: site:newgrounds.com inurl:/audio/listen "Immediate Music" AND remix
https://www.google.ca/#hl=en&sclient=psy-ab&q=+s ite:newgrounds.com+inurl%3A%2Faudio%2Flisten+%22 Immediate+Music%22+AND+remix&oq=+site:newgrounds .com+inurl%3A%2Faudio%2Flisten+%22Immediate+Musi c%22+AND+remix&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_l=hp.3...223141 l232521l1l232747l33l26l7l0l0l16l1704l12596l0j1j2 j5j3j4j2j0j3l31l0.frgbld.&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc .r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=3f5e2d92a1c24501&biw=1280&
(SIDENOTE) remove the www, on DogPile it won't crawl NG sub URL.
---- Common sections ----
Forgive me TomFulp, /dump/ crawl-able without any crawler trick. robots.txt is quite useless.
(combine with /oldbbs/ or /old/ you can get to supposedly unreachable section)
Repeat all result in Google, trust me, it won't repeat like it said ;)
Hope these helps.
site:newgrounds.com inurl:/audio/listen katy AND perry AND remix