Just a super geeky guy who composes music in spare times.

Age 42, Male

Software Developer



Joined on 2/9/12

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Wurfel-Waffles's News

Posted by Wurfel-Waffles - April 23rd, 2012

It is fucking rare to find tracker-heads nowadays. But I found some that as oldschool as me. Here are some most active tracker heads on NG. Here come the retro 90s!!

Christopher "Faerytaleadventurer" Shard, a friendly chap that show me a lot of crazy things i never knew. He is a friend of a Maniac of Noise member! PlayerPro.

SuperBastard; aka Chiptune Master! Check out is chiptunes and especially 8/16 bit tracks. MilkyTracker

Bryce; Chiptune Maestro! Thank to Stickman91 for that.

Thomas "silencefreedom" Koenig; crippled friendly drunk-ass :D with Schism Tracker and Jeskola Buzz. Current member of various demogroups.

Kristian "NorskeDrittsekk" W; Fresh genius on NG. Former member of Norwegian's Andromeda demogroup. MilkyTracker and Psycle. He use a home-made tracker too.

Tydusis; an OpenMPT user.

Computer112; Renoise user

Bernd "Waffles" Wurfel; OpenMPT, SunVox and MilkyTracker!

That's it... if you had once used or using tracker then comment and lemme add you in!!!

Posted by Wurfel-Waffles - April 19th, 2012

Some people said The Plague Dogs the novel isn't for children but I think it isn't for naive children more like it.

It's not like innocent fairy tale that has happy ending. The Plague Dogs is the type of novel that gives you goosebumps with horrors and sorrows. It has a tragic ending. I won't spoil the shit if you really want to give it a try. It tells a perfect story about life and death.

You won't be regretful for reading it. Look for it in your local libraries.

They also had made an animation film based on the novel

Posted by Wurfel-Waffles - April 17th, 2012

Journal 1: Bankers can't keep their client be secure?

http://packetstormsecurity.org/news/view/20867/3 -Million-Bank-Accounts-Hacked-In-Iran.html

Today we got a hacker hero. Khosrow Zarefarid. He warned Iranian banks about the sec holes, he got ignored. Guess what? Dude released 3 000 000 accounts public just to make attention noises! Trolled over!


Despise shit medias are bitching about his actions, I feel proud of him. Whitehats are a bunch of pussies. You need to ask for permission and make contract to test on limited sectors ONLY! You can only find limited amount of vulnerabilities, of course. Excluding you either get shit responses or no response at all! Such as what I'm doing currently as security adviser and researcher (IBM Security lab). With grey fedora dudes like this guy the world is gonna be more beautiful and safer from thieves.

Should this be apply to every company we do pen tests on, including NG?

More breaking news:

http://www.zdnet.com/blog/security/up-to-15-mill ion-visa-mastercard-credit-card-numbers-stolen/1 1249

http://www.zdnet.com/blog/security/visa-masterca rd-warn-of-massive-security-breach/11152

http://packetstormsecurity.org/news/view/20865/S abpab-Trojan-Returns-Targeting-Users-Via-Corrupt -Word-Files.html

http://www.theregister.co.uk/2012/04/11/apple_sn ubs_mac_botnet_fighter/

Posted by Wurfel-Waffles - April 14th, 2012

It's not real piano alright! This short 24 sec of melody is a showcase of my fun time with codes, VC++. I recreate the real life piano. Mono channel only.

120kb, no compression this time. But I crypted the thing. High quality too :D

ENJOY! Have a nice weekend.

Btw, I love my new job! Gonna have an all talk about it soon!

http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/download/485192e6 b71b80a8041b60a132c644de

Posted by Wurfel-Waffles - April 11th, 2012

SUCCESS! I just successfully bind a module file and a module player together. The module itself is... huge, fucking 7.92 MB last time I checked. Because I use IT for high quality.

Player itself is 21 kb, yes I know it's huge. But any of you can write something that small, bite me.

Remember to read the README!!!

http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/download/3575bf87 de16c1faf4e94d4e04288c1f

With UPX compressed, 1.21 MB!!!

http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/download/de088671 6bd8100b515c784b14effb62

PS. It's not a virus so don't blame me if your PC goes panic. It can even play on Windows 95 (tested).

PPS. I can't release the player, yet. There are bugs floats all over the place. I need to add some hot key too. For example: quit... lol!

Posted by Wurfel-Waffles - April 6th, 2012

First, I applied for a freelance career at Toronto. I took VicariousE's advises and go for the kind of moving around career/job. Just a try on first 2 years. On contracts. Thank to my previous experience, I become a kind-off security advisory and a general programmer for IBM Canada. Pretty decent payments. Travel job. I'm moving to Toronto this May.

Secondly, I can unleash full forces of my passions on spare time. I'm sure this job/career wouldn't be a crazed one I worked last time. I'm no longer a system admin, yay! Tired of being a insomniac.

Finally I bought a separate laptop for music. My Asus Eee can't handle huge music libraries. Left it for work and experimental hacking, only. Also, I upgraded my musical inventory! More classical and maybe some electro. I would like to try to make polka and folk genres too.

Happy Easter to Christians. I'm an open atheist :)

Life is Beautiful.

Posted by Wurfel-Waffles - April 4th, 2012

I want to shorten this rant in to a small warn. A few days ago, InfoSec puts up this news on HTTP header SQL injection.

A year ago, silencefreedom and I went to HackInTheBox (you can see his pic on his profile, took at there) to do a small show...off on the most common web app attack knows to man: SQL Injection.

We used HTTP header and cookie poisoning to inject codes. Firefox 4.3. Backtrack 3 on an Asus Eee. Custom Python scripts and proxies.

We just came as visiting rookies but left the regulars and leets some crazy wow facials. Busted NASA.gov and gain access to their control system in 6 steps. All in less than 15 minutes.

If you really want us to reenact the attack and get our whitepapers, please PM or mail through bernd.wurfel@gmail.com

What are my points? Well: bad guys can hijack your system, anytime at anywhere by automatic malicious scripts that do drive-by or have a nice hitchhike along with any site that has inject-able vulnerability.

Anti-virus is useless in this case. And, up-to-date defensive methods against this kind of attack are very weak and poorly researched.

Just a concern. Life is tough.

We are timid musicians, and ninjas-in-grey.

Posted by Wurfel-Waffles - April 4th, 2012

My piece Fly With Me becomes my most popular. Thank to whoever listened to it. I never expect to see this much views this early, I'm still a fresh man on here.

If you (whoever) like this new approach of style then I can stick to it for a while.

ps. Munich is awesome for spring break.

PPS. thanks SBB, VicariousE, blahblah0625, silencefreedom and EXHellfire added me to your favorite artist. It is a big honour for me.

Thank you all again.


Posted by Wurfel-Waffles - April 2nd, 2012

I dunno, I can't upload zip or rar stuff on here. Something is going on with my dump. Pastebin denied C syntax too... spam filter keep mess with me >.<

EDIT: src http://pastebin.com/ncNKi9bT

Hola silencefreedom! 1.2 kb :) C++

Mandelbrot 4D (quaternion)

my tiny tiny...

Posted by Wurfel-Waffles - April 2nd, 2012

I write this post for Audio Mods and anyone who wants to keep Newgrounds' reputation and playground clean of illegal matters.

Call me a snitch or anything you want. I don't have anything to do with you and of course, you can't touch me. Hunting and eliminate anything related to copyright are my instinct.

---- Tools ----

I use dorks with search engine. Instincts, knowledge and intuitions.

Dork is keywords and syntax for advanced search method. Exact reason why it exists? Has more or less to do with advertisement & data mining. Crawling in my skin, ya know >:(

Hacking is another reason...

---- Basic dork rules ----

dork:info keyword OR more dork:info


site:cia.gov inurl:/login.jsp OR inurl:/login.php AND filetype:log "admin"

site is to indicate the URL you want dork to target only. inurl is to indicate the only contents of indicated URL's target/sub-section. OR, AND or & and?! filetype is to indicate the type of file you want to find on the Net, here it is .log extension which I found only admin's logs.

How do these apply to hunting copyrighted stuff on NG?

Let's say: site:newgrounds.com inurl:/audio/listen "Immediate Music" AND remix

https://www.google.ca/#hl=en&sclient=psy-ab&q=+s ite:newgrounds.com+inurl%3A%2Faudio%2Flisten+%22 Immediate+Music%22+AND+remix&oq=+site:newgrounds .com+inurl%3A%2Faudio%2Flisten+%22Immediate+Musi c%22+AND+remix&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_l=hp.3...223141 l232521l1l232747l33l26l7l0l0l16l1704l12596l0j1j2 j5j3j4j2j0j3l31l0.frgbld.&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc .r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=3f5e2d92a1c24501&biw=1280&

(SIDENOTE) remove the www, on DogPile it won't crawl NG sub URL.

---- Common sections ----

Forgive me TomFulp, /dump/ crawl-able without any crawler trick. robots.txt is quite useless.



(combine with /oldbbs/ or /old/ you can get to supposedly unreachable section)

Repeat all result in Google, trust me, it won't repeat like it said ;)

Hope these helps.

site:newgrounds.com inurl:/audio/listen katy AND perry AND remix